Random movie: 12 services

Sometimes we think about what movie to watch. We search for movie recommendations, view movie ratings, and ask friends for advice. But one of the easiest ways to find a movie for the evening are services that just suggest a random movie at the click of a button. Such service could be called «random movie generator», «Movie-Tinder».

Random movie generator services

Comment. The fact that a new movie recommendation is shown when a button is clicked does not always mean that the movie is random. Sometimes a complex recommendation system may be behind the relatively simple mechanics of a site. So «random movie» is a fairly conventional description of how these sites work.

ServiceDescriptionDomain registration dateVisits per month: October 2020 (source: SimilarWeb)
randomlists.com/random-movies«Good movies are hard to find. You never know who’s review you can trust. Generating a random movie probably couldn’t be a worse way to pick one.»2013-05-021.05 million visits for whole randomlists.com domain
suggestmemovie.com«Free web-based film recommendation service. Watch random movie trailers instantly, no need to login!»2011-01-2770 000 visits for whole suggestmemovie.com domain
whatmovieisnext.com«The site suggests movie trailers at random. This is a random movie generator»2018-02-18
bestrandoms.com/random-movie-generator«With this tool, you can randomly obtain the highest rated 5000 films from 1902 to the present. The film genres include action, adventure, animation, comedy and so on. You can also use the build tool to customize the genre and year to generate.»2017-12-27330 000 visits for whole bestrandoms.com domain
reelgood.com/roulette/netflix«If you’re wondering what movie or TV show you should watch next, use the Netflix randomizer below…»1999-03-185.90 million visits for whole reelgood.com domain
randommer.io/random-movies«Random movies picker can suggest movies by genres, release year and language. We have over 6000 best movies sorted by score and by popularity.»2019-11-14
generatormix.com/random-movie-generator«To generate a random movie simply change the settings to your desired taste in film and hit generate…»2019-05-31190 000 visits for whole generatormix.com domain
pickrandom.com/random-movie-generator«Random Movies generator is a tool which generates a random sequence of movie names, images along with their IMDB rating based on your input references.»2015-11-2280 000 visits for whole pickrandom.com domain
ceros.com/originals/netflix-movie-generator/«Arguing about what to watch on Netflix before ultimately just giving up and watching The Office is a tale as old as time. Let us take the decision-making stress off your shoulders with this trusty random generator.»1998-11-16410 000 visits for whole ceros.com domain
finder.com.au/random-netflix«Try something new with our random Netflix title generator. Simply select a genre from the dropdown for a random recommendation. Don’t like what you see? Hit the refresh titles button for a fresh suggestion.»4.35 million visits for whole finder.com.au domain
thestoryshack.com/tools/random-movie-generator/«Don’t know what to watch next? Then try this random movie generator and get suggestions from a pool of over 10.000 classics made through the years.»2011-12-13100 000 visits for whole thestoryshack.com domain
generatorslist.com/random/entertainment/random-movie-generator«Don’t know what to watch? Use our random movie generator to find an awesome movie, select by year and genre.»2020-01-12

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